Every day millions of Americans find errors on their credit reports. A large number of those errors can cause credit or employment denial. Therefore, it is important that when you find an error on your credit report, you immediately dispute that error.
Any disputes over your credit report should go directly to the credit reporting agencies, Trans Union, Equifax, & Experian. I have written a recent blog on how its important to mail in a dispute letter instead of calling or going on line. A dispute should be in writing and should be direct and concise. A good dispute should state what accounts or other information is specifically being called into question. It should also state precisely why the information is wrong. Simply telling the bureaus to investigate and correct an account will not suffice. What makes the information wrong?
Also, a long letter that tries to impress them by showing how much you know the laws won’t work either. They know that the law requires them to investigate. That’s why they are there answering those letters.
To make matters easier, we here at SmithMarco, P.C. have created a template that is simple and does the job. Use this letter when disputing. If your information does not get corrected, contact SmithMarco, P.C. for a completely free case review.