SmithMarco, P.C. scored another trial victory when receiving an award of $780,000 against AR Resources in the matter of Ramones v. AR Resources, 19-cv-62949, pending in the Southern District of Florida, Miami Division. The trial, handled by partner David M. Marco, was a Fair Credit Reporting Act case wherein a debt collection agency reported accounts on Mr. Ramones file that did not belong to him. Rather, they belonged to his father. However, when Mr. Ramones disputed the item on his credit report multiple times, AR Resources continued to verify the account belonged to Mr. Ramones.
AR Resources, represented by Golden Scaz Gagain of Tampa, Florida, was ordered by the jury to pay $80,000 in actual damages and $700,000 in punitive damages, for a total verdict of $780,000. Certainly, post trial motions and possible appeals may follow, but SmithMarco is ready. “I was really thrilled for the client. He had been through enough. It was credit torture for him and I was glad we were able to get some justice with this result.”