I get so many calls. How do I get them to stop?
First, you need to find out who is calling you. Everyone dreads answering calls when they don’t recognize the phone number. However, if you are getting repeated calls and these calls are bugging you, it is time to take a start answering the calls. Find out who is calling you and why. Get the name of company, their location and/or their phone number.
Second, find out why they are calling you. Do you owe the debt? If you owe a debt and you want the calls to end, send them a written cease and desist letter. See our website for a sample letter and instructions.
Third, keep a log of the calls and save any voicemails. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protects your rights as a consumer. Violations under the FDCPA include: • Calls before 8am and after 9pm • Continuous calls one after another, repeatedly • Calls to third parties discussing your debt • Calls to work after you tell them not to call at your employer.
Fourth, check to see if the calls you are receiving automated calls to your cell phone. These automated calls are also referred to as “robo-calls.” Under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, it is a violation for a company to call with an automated dialing system to a cell phone without written permission of the owner of the phone. This means the owner of the phone had to provide written authorization to the creditor as part of the application. See blog. If a company is found to be in violation of the TCPA, they could be forced to pay up to $500 per illegal call.
Most importantly, contact SmithMarcofor a free case review. You will be able to speak with an attorney regarding questions you have about dealing with debts and collection companies. SmithMarco, P.C. has over 30 years of combined experience practicing law protecting the rights of consumers around the country.