National Credit Recovery is a debt collection company located in
Ottawa, a suburb of Kansas City, Kansas. Their website boasts
an experienced management team that understands the needs of both
debtors and creditors. They emphasize that their
callers aim to work out a compromise because everyone deserves a
second chance. Many complain that the callers are rude and
disrespectful to consumers. The callers fail introduce
themselves to debtors. Others have complained that National
Credit Recovery have tried to scam them. One complained that
National Recovery Services said the consumer won the lottery and
had to provide them with a $400 certified check to obtain their
Is National Credit Recovery Harassing
Many consumers complain about National Credit Recovery violating
their rights under the
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Despite their website
promise to work with consumers, there are numerous complaints that
they contact third parties and discuss the debt. One consumer
said the collector contacted her old employer who discussed her
debt with a former co-worker . A third party may only be
contacted to obtain the consumer’s contact information. The
debt collector may only contact the third party once and can’t
disclose that the consumer owes a debt.
National Credit Recovery Contact
416 S Main St, Suite 3
Ottawa, KS 66067
Local: (785) 242-2744
Toll-Free: 1-888-622-0222
Stop Debt Collector Harassment Now:
When you’re being pursued by debt collectors, you have
rights, and we’re here to help. SmithMarco, P.C., has
over 30 years of combined experience practicing law protecting the
rights of consumers around the country. If you feel that
you’re rights have been violated, please contact us for a free case